报告题目:数字化技术在国外的发展以及在自动化领域的应用 (Study and Development in Digitalization Technologies and their Implementation in Automation)
报 告 人:Dr. Dan Sui
主 持 人:李俨 教授
报告简介:In recent years, hot topics such as digitalization, automation, artificial intelligence (AI), robots, deep learning and big data have evolved from being merely envisioned on paper to full-fledged state of the art solutions, expected to revolutionize efficiency and safety. The future of automation is all about exploiting the current state of technologies available to the entire operations. Recently, the growing interest in digital technologies coupled with new intelligent sensing technologies have resulted in an overwhelming amount of data containing useful and valuable information.
The digital and automated applications includes improving real-time decision support, enabling precise control of processes, mitigating incidents and optimizing various aspects of processes. However, to realize the full potential and develop digital, automatic and intelligent data management and analysis, and implement algorithms for efficient and safe opertions, we shall consider and investigate
• how to develop proof-of-concept technologies to support data management
• how to precisely interpret data to provide useful and valuable information
• how to transfer information to knowledge which guides engineers’ decision
• how to automate the process with interactive communications through data, information and knowledge.
In this talk, digitalization technologies research and development and their applications in automation and control systems will be present and several sucesseful case studies and examples in digitalization and automation in oil and gas field will be introduced.
Dan Sui has received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from School of Automatic Control, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China in 2000 and 2002 respectively, and her Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Singapore in 2006. From 2007 to 2010, she was a Postdoc with the Applied Cybernetics Department at Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. From 2010 to 2013, she was a research scientist at Drilling and Well Department, Sintef, Norway. From 2013 she joined the University of Stavanger, Norway and currently she is a Professor at Energy and Petroleum Engineering Department. Her current research areas include modeling and simulation, drilling automation, digitalization and optimization, control theory and applications, data-driven approaches etc. She has published over 70 peer-reviewed journal and conference papers and supervised 3 Ph.D. students and 80 MSc./ BSc. students. She is now a member of Society of Petroleum Engineers and a member of Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium.