报告题目:Event-based Resilient Control
报 告 人:唐漾 教授
主 持 人:杨飞生 副教授
报告简介:Based on a unified hybrid formalism, this talk focuses on the event-based resilient control issues for cyber-physical systems under different resilient control strategies against several typical cyber attacks. We discuss the time-varying formation tracking control for nonlinear multi-agent systems (MASs) under deception attacks in detail. In addition, we further discuss the time-varying tracking control of nonholonomic mobile robot systems as well as the time-varying attitude tracking control of underactuated VTOL aerial vehicles under DoS attacks. We present the explicit characterizations for cyber attacks, such as the frequency, duration and magnitude properties for deception (or false data injection) attacks and the former two properties for DoS attacks. Some examples are also presented.
唐漾,博士,华东理工大学教授,博士生导师,德国洪堡学者。2015年入选国家高层次人才类项目。目前担任或曾担任Scientific Reports, Journal of the Franklin Institute和Neurocomputing等7个SCI期刊的副主编/编委和4个专刊客座编辑。主要研究多智能体系统/复杂网络状态估计、控制和优化,自主无人系统感知和决策,信息物理融合系统安全分析与控制,以及过程系统风险预警和辅助决策。围绕上述领域,在Nature子刊、Automatica、IEEE汇刊和美国物理学会会刊等国际期刊上发表论文60余篇,其中包括IEEE汇刊和IFAC会刊论文50多篇。主持国家自然科学基金人工智能基础研究应急管理项目、国家科技部重点研发计划课题和国家自然科学基金委面上项目等多个项目,参与国家自然科学基金重大项目课题。担任IEEE汇刊、Automatica等多本国际期刊审稿人,担任美国数学协会数学评论特约评论员,并获得Automatica、IEEE Trans. Cybernetics杰出审稿人称号。2018年获得上海市“青年五四奖章”和2017-2018年入选ESI高被引学者(科睿唯安)榜单。