报告人:Zheng Hong ZHU教授
Hamiltonian Nodal Position Finite Element Method and its Application in Tether Dynamics
This report is going to introduce a new Hamiltonian nodal position finite element method (FEM) to treat the nonlinear dynamics of cable system in which the large rigid-body motion is coupled with small elastic cable elongation. The FEM is derived from the Hamiltonian theory using canonical coordinates. The resulting Hamiltonian finite element model of cable contains low frequency mode of rigid-body motion and high frequency mode of axial elastic deformation, which is prone to numerical instability due to error accumulation over a very long period. A second-order explicit Symplectic integration scheme is used naturally to enforce the conservation of energy and momentum of the Hamiltonian finite element system. Numerical analyses are conducted and compared with theoretical and experimental results as well as the commercial software LS-DYNA. The comparisons demonstrate that the new Hamiltonian nodal position FEM is numerically efficient, stable and robust for simulation of long-period motion of cable systems.
Zheng Hong ZHU教授现为加拿大约克大学机械工程系系主任和终身教授,长期从事电动系绳系统动力学与控制、空间碎片捕获和离轨、新型智能空间结构等领域的研究。目前,他作为PI主持由加拿大航天署资助的2个立方星项目。其中“立方星电动系绳空间离轨演示”计划于2019年初发射,另一立方星将于2020年发射。
Zheng Hong ZHU教授迄今已发表110多篇SCI论文。他是国际期刊空间科学与工程(International Journal of Space Science and Engineering)的创刊主编,加拿大工程院(Engineering Institute of Canada) Fellow,AIAA associate Fellow,ASME Fellow, CSME Fellow,IEEE高级会员。
Zheng Hong ZHU is currently the Professor and Tier 1 York Research Chair in Space Technology at the Department of Mechanical Engineering (Lassonde School of Engineering), York University. Prof. ZHU does research in Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering and Materials Engineering. His current project is 'CubeSat Electrodynamic Tether Deorbit Experiment Mission' to be launched in 2019.
Prof. ZHU has been published over 110 SCI papers. He is now Engineering Institute of Canada Fellow, AIAA associate Fellow, ASME Fellow, CSME Fellow, and IEEE Senior Member.